"Making Good Bird Dogs Great"
Test Day Info
For general information about testing in NAVHDA, please visit: NAVHDA Testing
2024 Delmarva NAVHDA Fall Test Dates​
Saturday September 28 and Sunday September 29 NA/UPT/UT Test​
Cancelation date August 24th​
Test Secretary:
Ed McWilliams
23701 Samuel Adams Circle, Millsboro, DE 19966
To enter your dog into a Delmarva NAVHDA Test:
Your dog must be registered in NAVHDA International before you complete your test registration: Please visit:
A completed test entry form and check payable to Delmarva NAVHDA should be mailed to the Test Secretary.
You will need your NAVHDA member number and your dog registry number to complete test entry form. Please download the form here and mail it with a check to the test secretary above Test entry form
Test Entry Fees: Natural Ability Test – $155.00; Utility Test and UPT – $175.00.
Test Refund Policy: To receive a full refund, Delmarva NAVHDA must be notified of a cancellation no less than five weeks prior to the scheduled test date . The cancellation request must be submitted in writing (via email preferred) and must be received by the Test Secretary no later than the established cancellation deadline. If a cancellation request is submitted after the established Cancellation Deadline, 80% of the entry fee will be refunded ONLY IF Delmarva NAVHDA is able to fill the entry/entries with another dog(s). If Delmarva NAVHDA is unable to fill the entry/entries with another dog(s), no refund will be provided*.
*In the event that special or extenuating circumstances impact the timely cancellation of an entry, an entrant may submit an appeal letter to the Executive Council of Delmarva NAVHDA requesting a refund. For additional information on the refund appeal process, please contact our President: