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Bylaws Of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) Delmarva Chapter



 Section 1. NAME

The name of this organization is the DelMarVa Chapter of the North American




DelMarVa Chapter is an authorized Chapter of NAVHDA, which is a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Minnesota as a non-profit corporation. The Chapter is pledged to operate within the framework of the by-laws and policies of the parent organization.


Section 3. PURPOSE


The purpose of this Chapter is to foster, improve, promote, and protect the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America by such activities as:

(a) Sponsoring field tests for the versatile breeds according to the rules of the Field Test Standards of NAVHDA.

(b) Conducting training clinics, demonstrations and similar activities as an aid to members and other interested persons in realizing the full potential of their versatile hunting dogs.

(c) Cooperating with other hunting dog clubs and hunting dog breed clubs that wish to run sanctioned field tests under the rules of NAVHDA.

(d) Acquainting sportsmen and hunters with the history and use of the versatile hunting dog breeds.

(e) Increasing general awareness of the historic heritage and undiminished value of the trained hunting dog as in indispensable companion for the fair pursuit and conservation of game.





(a) Membership in the NAVHDA parent organization is a requirement for membership in the DelMarVa Chapter. 

(b) Spouses of active members and young people under eighteen years of age who are also members of NAVHDA shall be eligible for membership in DelMarVa Chapter. Spouses and Junior Members shall have all privileges and benefits of membership, except that the latter will not be accorded voting privileges.

(c) There will be no drinking of Alcoholic beverages during training hours.

(d) The executive Council of DelMarVa Chapter may expel from the Chapter any member for good cause shown, such as violation of rules, unsportsmanlike conduct, or other actions that might bring discredit to the chapter and NAVHDA. Prior to final action by the Executive Council, the person in question shall be given an opportunity to present their case to the council. If the decision is to expel, no refund of dues will be made and recommendation will be made to NAVHDA that the parent organization also expel the individual. 

Section 2. DUES

(a) Membership dues will be established annually by the Chapter Executive Council and will be for a full calendar year.  A reduced rate will be offered to spouses of active members and to Junior members.

 (b) Such dues shall be due and payable on January 1 of each year. Dues must be paid by February 28 of each year or membership is considered terminated.  Dues paid after November 1 shall be deemed adequate for the balance of the year in which they are paid and for the next succeeding year.



The Executive Council of DelMarVa Chapter shall consist of four elected officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) the immediate Past President, a Director of Field Tests, Director of Membership, and a Director of Publicity who are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the other members of the Council. These Directors shall have a vote in all executive business conducted by the Council.



(a) President. The President is the chief executive of the Chapter. The President chairs Executive Council and general membership meetings, appoints and heads committees as required and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council appoints persons to fill vacancies occurring within the Council. He (she) also acts as the principal liaison officer between the Chapter and NAVHDA.

(b) Vice President. The Vice President assumes the office of President in the event of a vacancy occurring therein. He (She) acts for the President during the temporary absence of the President and performs such other duties as may be assigned by the President.

(c) Secretary. The secretary shall be responsible for Chapter correspondence, mailings, administrative records and reports, minutes of meetings and other administrative business of the Chapter.

(d) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Chapter, receive and disburse monies and prepare financial statements.

(e) Director of Field Tests. The Director of Field Tests shall be responsible for recommending to the Executive Council plans and programs for field tests.

(f) Director of Training. The Director of Training shall be responsible for recommending to the Executive Council plans and programs for training clinics, demonstrations and similar activities and for overseeing the execution of approved plans and programs in this category. Liaise with the State of Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) for coordination of training, test dates, and permitting.

(g) Director of Membership. The Director of Membership shall be responsible for tracking and updating membership lists, sending out new member packets, and sending out renewal notices. The Director of Membership shall also be responsible for sending updated membership list annually to DNREC for the purpose of obtaining the annual Retriever Training Permit. The Director of Membership must also be familiar with Microsoft Excel.

(h) Director of Publicity. The Director of Publicity shall be responsible for recommending to the Executive Council plans and programs designed to increase public awareness of Chapter aims, programs and events and for implementing approved publicity plans. The Director of publicity is also responsible for the preparation of chapter newsletters and narrative reports of Chapter events for other publications.


Section 1. FREQUENCY

Election of officers shall be held every two years.


Elected officers shall be installed at the annual membership meeting in November of the year immediately subsequent to the time of election for a two-year term ending on the 31of October of the second year.  No elected officer may hold the same office for more than two terms. (This schedule is maintained to conform to the National Clubs yearly update of club officers.)



(a) Nominees must have been a member of DelMarVa Chapter for a minimum of one year at the time of nomination and must have reached their 21st birthday.

(b) Nominations for elected office will be made by a Nominating Committee of three persons selected by lot from among those active adult members who have been members of the Chapter for a minimum of two years. Incumbent members of the Executive Council are not eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee, except that if there are insufficient qualified volunteers among the general membership to form a committee of three, one member of the Executive Council may be drawn by lot to serve, but not a Committee Chairman.

(c) Recommendations of the Nominating Committee shall be in the hands of the Secretary not later than July 31st of the election year. The Secretary shall insure that a list of the recommended nominees is distributed to the general membership so as to arrive not later than September 10th. 

(d) In addition, any adult member of the Chapter may submit a nomination. To be valid, nominations submitted by individuals must be:

(1) Accompanied by a petition of nominations signed by at least five adult members of the Chapter;

(2) Accompanied by a letter of consent signed by the nominee, and;

(3) In the hands of the Secretary not later than July 31st.


Section 4. VOTING

(a) Voting will be by secret balloting conducted by mail.

(b) Based on the input of the Nominating Committee and such individual nominations as may have been received, the Secretary will prepare a blank ballot for distribution to each member over 18 years of age. Where two or more persons have been nominated for the same office, the name of the nominee selected by the Nominating Committee shall be listed first, with other candidates for the office appearing in alphabetical order. The blank ballot shall be in simple form and postmarked no later than September 25 to the chairman of the Tellers Committee.

(c) The Tellers Committee shall consist of the Nominating Committee.

(d) To be valid, a ballot must be postmarked not later than the 25 Ballots will be counted no earlier than October 10th Secretary immediately. The Secretary will announce the results to the membership by October 17th.

(e) A simple majority shall determine the successful candidate in each case. In case of a tie vote, the candidate who has been a member of the Chapter for the longest period shall be declared the winner.

(f) Ballots will be kept on file for a period of one year following the election. 



(a) Article VII, section 3 of the NAVHDA by-laws (Revised 1977) provides for attendance of a chapter delegate at the annual meeting of NAVHDA, with voting privileges on all executive business conducted at the meeting.

(b) When deemed advisable and feasible, the Executive Council of DelMarVa Chapter will select a member of the Chapter to attend. This delegate shall be in addition to any member who might also be serving on the NAVHDA Executive Council.



Section 1. RULES

Field Tests conducted by DelMarVa Chapter shall be conducted with prior NAVHDA sanction and in accordance with the NAVHDA test rules then pertaining. 

 Section 2. AWARDS

Awards for the Natural Ability, Utility Preparatory, and Utility Tests will be limited to simple awards. Every dog qualifying will receive the same award. No other awards other than those mentioned will be awarded. No monetary awards will be given at any test.

 Section 3. ENTRY FEES

Entry fees for field tests sponsored by the Chapter will be established by the Executive Council for each test. Fees for dogs owned by members of Delmarva NAVHDA will be established at a reduced rate, regardless of whether the handler is a member of NAVHDA or not. 


 Section 1. MOTIONS

Motions from the general membership for consideration by the Executive Council shall be presented to the Secretary in the form of eight written copies. Any adult member may make a motion at any time.  Motions before the Executive Council will be decided by a simple majority.


Amendments to the By-Laws shall be voted upon as heretofore set forth for motions provided, however, that it shall require two-thirds majority of the membership voting to pass a By-Law amendment.

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